Posted on July 22, 2022
Completing a tenancy agreement is a complex and in some cases very time consuming task. Especially when you have 25 pages or so of tenancy agreement to fill in. So it would be a real time saver if RentHQ could make that job a bit easier. Well now you can.
At the bottom of the tenant details screen is a new Create Agreement button. This functionality is currently only available in New Zealand, but there are plans to include other countries in future.
The Create Agreement button will open a new browser window, where the standard New Zealand Tenancy Service agreement PDF file is available to fill in. Some of those fields will be pre-filled for you like tenant name and landlord name etc. But the real benefit of the system is the ability for RentHQ to learn, by remembering what you have entered in this agreement, and to reuse that information next time you create an agreement for another tenant.
The final completed tenancy agreement can then be saved as a PDF file.
A video tutorial showing this functionality can be found here.