You can now print a letter to your tenants telling them they have an inspection coming up.
The letter template is created via the mail merge facility as a new tenant letter. 2 new fields have been added expecially for this purpose. One is the Inspection Date and Time, and the other is the Inspectors Name. You need to add the inspection date and time to your letter for it to be recognised as an inspection template.
On the individual inspection details screen, there is now a button which allows you to generate a new inspection letter. You select your format, and press the Generate Letter button. (If you done see any formats in the list, it is because you done have any templates containg the inspection date and time field).
The newly generated letter is automatically attached to the tenant as a new letter. It can also be printed or emailed (if the tenant has an email address) and is also automatically visible via the tenants login.
After a letter has been printed, a small icon appears in the inspection schedule screen so you can quickly recognise which inspections have been printed and which have not.